Yam also called Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius and Suran in Hindi
grows in Africa and Asia and can weigh as much as 30 lbs. With a flesh that looks like sweet potatoes this yam also has a wonderful flavour. The large tuber resembles an elephant foot thus the name “Elephant Foot Yam”.
Carbs - Elephant Foot Yams also contain large amounts of carbs that are important for vital energy and sustenance such as potatoes.
Cholesterol - Elephant Foot Yams lower bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol and thus help to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.
Abdominal Pain - Eating Elephant Foot Yam also helps with diarrhea and abdominal pain and gas.
Asthma - In Ayurvedic Medicine this yam is well known for helping with asthma and bronchitis.
Weight Loss - Elephant Foot Yams are full of great fiber which make one feel full and thus you lose weight.
Cooling - Eating Elephant Foot Yams helps cool the body… great for hot climates.
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